A Call for Your Support!

“What’s really important is love and compassion, helping others; those are the important things. Genuine empathy and compassion for others who are disadvantaged and suffering can help you overcome your own difficulties.”

— Grandmother Tsering Dolma Gyaltong 

The Grandmothers Wisdom Project is an Earth-based community dedicated to preserving and nurturing the timeless legacy of ancient traditions, providing us with profound insights into the mysteries of life.

By supporting the Grandmothers Wisdom Project you will be contributing towards our overarching long-term plan of building a sustainable web-portal. Your financial support will help offset the production costs of our events, retreats, Indigenous curriculums and grass-roots community building that will be reflective of our mission and purpose in reverence of reclaiming and reconnecting original Earth-honoring traditions woven into present day.  
